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Thrive Chiropractic Success Stories

What Our Patients Say

One of the best parts about doing what we do is sharing in our patients’ success when they achieve their health goals. And at Thrive Chiropractic we proudly showcase their transformative journeys so they can help others just like you!

Our team believes in the power of chiropractic care to restore the function of the nervous system so you and your family can THRIVE!

For more information or to schedule an appointment contact us today.

Stella’s Story

Stella photoIt is absolutely heartbreaking watching your baby struggle with sickness after sickness leading to even more challenges. Meet Stella! Stella came to Thrive Chiropractic struggling with chronic colds that led to recurring ear infections. On top of that Stella had some digestion issues paired with inconsistent sleep. Poor thing was on the struggle bus!

Mom said, “When Stella would get sick it’s like we would take 10 steps back with sleep. Doctors would continuously prescribe antibiotics which would upset Stella’s stomach – it’s just a vicious cycle!”

Stella’s neurological scans showed just that. Her body was stuck on “fight or flight” mode instead of “rest and digest” mode. The fight or flight response affects our tissues, organs, and glands on a deeper level, inhibiting not only the digestive system but also sleep, immunity, and healthy growth and healing.

Read more about Stella »

Specific, sage, and gentle chiropractic adjustments address the root cause, and put calming input into the nervous system so their little bodies can function the way they are supposed to.

Mom says, “Since starting care, Stella seems less tense and more mobile. She hasn’t really been sick much at all in several months which is a huge change. Overall she is a happier, healthier baby. She is sleeping better at night but we are still working on daytime sleep.”

We are so happy Stella is doing so much better!

Giuseppe’s Story

Giuseppe photoChiropractic care has become a first line of defense to help Giuseppe Kick the Sick! After struggling through chronic ear infections in the first couple months of life, Giuseppe’s parents were completely overwhelmed. They felt like he was never the same after that, and his challenges kept compiling – sleeping struggles, reflux, arching his back, head tilt, and extreme discomfort.

After trial and error, spending hours on google, tons of antibiotics, lip tie surgery, and hearing from his doctors that he will “just grow out of it,” mom said she knew in her heart that there was something more going on. She continued to boldly search for answers… and that’s when she stumbled upon our office.

When Giuseppe conquered his care plan, their lives completely changed. He was sleeping better, able to turn his head better, and everyone described him as a happy baby! But the wins didn’t stop there. Mom and dad had no idea how much chiropractic would become a ‘first stop’ to build up his immune defenses.

Read more about Giuseppe »

Mom says with continued care, his body has been able to manage sickness so much better now.. Instead of having to turn to ER visits and medications because his sickness would escalate really quickly, they are able to turn to adjustments that help strengthen his own ability to respond to viruses – without any of the side effects of medication! Sicknesses now last a day or two for Giuseppe rather than weeks of agony and pain.

Mom says, “we can’t imagine what the picture would look like if we never got him help and, quite frankly, don’t want to. We are so thankful and blessed we were led to Thrive Chiropractic and feel like they’re an extended family. The commitment of time and driving has become an afterthought when we see such positive results.

Owen’s Story

Owen photoAfter feeling hopeless and like she was failing, Owen’s incredible mom kept fighting to help her son thrive past major meltdowns, sensory overload, sleep & speech challenges. When Owen gets overstimulated he will get very frustrated and angry leading to headbanging and self harm which is so hard for mom. It breaks her heart that she can’t take all his challenges away. On top of that, before starting care Owen struggled to communicate and had significant speech delays.

But, his amazing momma never gave up on helping her baby boy. That’s when they turned to Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic for Hope, Answers, and most importantly help!

The Neuro-Tonal adjustments he received helped calm down Owen’s noisy brain so that his body was able to shift back into rest, digest, healing, and repair mode. By restoring his neurological balance and activating his Vagus Nerve once again, his body and brain were less overwhelmed with everyday functions … and the healing started happening. It was so exciting to see him start to speak and put together words!

Owen is working towards a life of joy and happiness all because mom didn’t give up hope, sought out more answers, and believed in the body’s ability to heal.

Amelia’s Story

Amelia photoWe love when moms trust their mom gut and search for more! Even if everyone else says otherwise, sometimes you just know there has to be a deeper issue. You get sick of just hearing “she’ll grow out of it!”

Amelia’s mom saw a reel posted on social media on how chiropractic care can help everything her little girl was struggling with: back to back ear infections, plagiocephaly & torticollis, food allergies, and more. Instantly she reached out to get scheduled with our neurologically-focused pediatric chiropractor at Thrive Chiropractic. After going through her initial scans, we set up a specific care plan for Amelia to help with all the struggles she was having.

Even though it wasn’t a primary goal for her care, one of the first things her parents noticed was that Amelia started sleeping better! She went from being up several times each night to consistently sleeping all night, giving everyone some much needed rest.

Read more about Amelia »

These sort of ‘side effects’ to adjustments are things we hear all the time! Because chiropractic isn’t attempting to treat or manage any specific disease but is instead focused on helping someone function at their best, improvements in immune function, sleep, energy, and more are common bonuses!

“Life is getting a lot easier when it comes to our previous issues, there’s less stress in our everyday life and we no longer feel helpless! We are thrilled to see how much more Amelia can benefit from adding in chiropractic care.”

We can’t wait to see you heal and shine even more Amelia!

Lincoln’s Story

Lincoln photoBeing jolted awake in the middle of the night by your little one screaming in pain is absolutely heartbreaking. Lincoln’s mom faced this over & over again each time he had an ear infection. After countless trips to the pediatrician & several rounds of antibiotics including Recephin, a painful shot in the leg, nothing helped. Lincoln was referred to ENT for ear tubes consultation but she knew there had to be something else besides surgery!

Moms & Dads, that might be right where you are now. You absolutely want to stop your child’s recurrent ear infections. But you also can’t stand to think of more antibiotics, shots in their legs, or your child going under anesthesia for surgery. Well, that’s the good news – there is hope, answers, and help that do not involve drugs or surgery!

We take the approach of taking care of the root cause of the chronic ear infections and working to restore proper balance and function to the nervous system, immune systems, and nerves and muscles that are involved in keeping the inner and middle ear healthy, draining, and functioning just right.

Read more about Lincoln

After a week of adjustments, Lincoln had already started sleeping better. Their ENT appointment was scheduled for the following month but Lincoln’s mom, Maddy, had hoped with regular adjustments Lincoln’s ear infection would clear up and she could cancel that appointment.

Come to find out at Lincoln’s next well visit the pediatrician said his ears looked FANTASTIC! Without antibiotics, without surgery, just continuing with specific adjustments for Lincoln — his chronic ear infections were gone! The doctors were in complete shock as Maddy gleamed with pure excitement anxiously awaiting to come into the office and share this amazing news.

Maddy did indeed cancel Lincoln’s ENT appointment & Lincoln hasn’t had an ear infection since! How amazing is that?

If you’ve been given countless rounds of antibiotics or even scheduled a trip to the ENT for your kiddos ear infections but are a little hesitant, give us a call. We would love to discuss how we can provide you with the hope, answers, and help you need to get your kiddo out of pain and back to being a kid again!

Sergio’s Story

Sergio photoKids and chiropractic go together like peanut butter and jelly, and babies are our jam! Read what Sergio’s incredible momma has to say about why she brought him to a pediatric chiropractor:

“We brought Sergio into the office because around a month old he started projectile vomiting after his feedings. He was diagnosed with reflux which caused him to drop in weight. My heart broke as my happy baby became uncomfortable, always crying in pain. I heard that a chiropractor could help and at this point I was willing to try anything!”

After sticking with the care plan and getting his very gentle and specific adjustments, Mom describes Sergio as happier. Can you tell by those smiles and his extra squishy cheeks!?! Sergio is even sleeping better than he was, which is a win for everyone.

We couldn’t be happier for this little sweetie and his family. Every mom knows that even a little bit of extra sleep can go a long way for everyone. If your baby is struggling to do the baby things like eat, sleep and poop.

Ashton’s Story

Ashton photoNo more ear infections for Ashton! Read how this amazing momma gained the confidence that Ashton’s body can heal and fight through an illness like a boss!

“Before coming to Thrive Chiropractic, Ashton would get an ear infection every time he got sick. At one point, he had a cold for 5 months straight that led to an infection almost every time.

I felt so bad that he would wake up in the night screaming in pain and even after going on antibiotics, it would clear up the infection just to return with the next cold or virus. He was on antibiotics back to back for months and I knew that wasn’t good for him. A friend who goes to Thrive Chiropractic shared that pediatric chiropractic could help with recurrent ear infections.

From my first phone call, I totally felt like my concerns were heard and that they have seen many kids just like Ashton in their office. I felt hopeful that they would be able to help. When I saw Asthon’s scans, I was shocked to see how much of him was “in the red”. When the meaning behind the scans was explained to me, it made total sense why his body wasn’t able to fight off these ear infections easily.

Read more about Ashton »

Since we started care, Ashton has been doing so much better! Of course, he still gets sick like most kids do (especially preschoolers!) but the colds never turn into ear infections and he also seems to be able to get over the illnesses quicker.

I also believe that his overall immune system is stronger as he has experienced less frequent illnesses since we have been doing consistent chiropractic care. When we do catch something, a couple extra boost adjustments get us over the hump and back to good health quickly!

Ashton is an overall happier and healthier kid, and when he does get sick, I feel confident that I have ways to help his body heal quicker so I don’t have that fear that he will wake up screaming in the night with a horrid cough and congestion that leads to infections anymore!”

Go Ashton!

Story photo

Story’s Story

Frustration, anger, and hopelessness are just a few words that described how mom felt trying to figure out her little girl’s speech challenges. Read about how her frustration turned into finding just the answers needed for her to thrive.

Mom said, “Story struggled since the day she was born. It started with colic and reflux as a newborn, which caused a lot of sleep disturbances and a not so happy baby. When Story was a year and a half we noticed that her speech was behind compared to the other kids. Due to not being able to communicate, her tantrums got worse and I just lost all sense of hope.”

At 2 ½ years old, Story was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. She started doing occupational and speech therapy to help but mom continued to search for answers to see if there was more that could be done to help Story’s challenges.

Read more about Story »

One day she was scrolling through TikTok and came across a gentleman explaining how chiropractic care can help with Sensory Processing disorder, and that is when she discovered Thrive Chiropractic!

After starting care, Story’s OT noticed a huge change in her therapy sessions. Which is such amazing news. That means her nervous system is starting to calm and things are starting to regulate.

We are so excited Story is heading in the right direction of healing, and can’t wait to celebrate more wins along the way!

Lauren photo

Lauren’s Story

Lauren came into Thrive Chiropractic while pregnant because she was feeling some aches and sciatica pain, but also wanted to help prep her body for a smoother labor + delivery and increase her energy levels. “I just want to feel my best self!”

To keep it as simple as possible, “It worked!” she said. She managed her pain more easily with more mobility, had more energy, and best of all she is overall feeling less anxious and stressed!

Lauren said what she loved most about the office is that everyone is so friendly and welcoming, it’s like a small family – the overall experience really stands out! We are so happy for you Lauren and can’t wait to meet your precious little one.

Eva’s Story

Eva photoAnxiety is a big deal for everyone, but especially when it’s affecting a kid! When Eva came to Thrive Chiropractic a few years ago she was dealing with a host of challenges. She had been struggling with severe back and hip pain for years, had a very irregular and painful cycle, and was in a constant state of anxiety. Her body constantly felt tense, she struggled to sleep, and everyday tasks were a burden.

The improvements she’s noticed while under consistent care have been life-changing! She doesn’t have constant pain anymore and is able to work out like she wants to. Even better, the constant anxiety and hormonal issues have gotten so much better as well!

“I am so glad I found Thrive Chiropractic! After starting chiropractic care I started to notice changes in my day to day activities. I started feeling less tension in my neck, that’s where I would carry my anxiety the most. The tension in my chest started to fade and I am continuing to notice big improvements within my body as well as hormonal changes. For the first time ever, I had a “normal” menstrual cycle with minimal pain which is amazing!”

Not being consumed with an abundance of anxiousness is absolutely life-changing! We are beyond excited that you are feeling less anxious and are rocking life Eva. Keep on shining!

Chrissy’s Story

Chrissy photoChrissy came to Thrive Chiropractic experiencing hip discomfort. She wanted to relieve the aches and pains she was feeling as well as maintain a healthy pregnancy. Chrissy wanted to remain active and fit through her pregnancy which was becoming problematic with the pain she was experiencing.

Dr. Andrew, being Webster Certified, knew that with neurologically-based chiropractic care, it would balance the nervous system and help Chrissy get the relief she is looking for.

During her care plan Chrissy started feeling the hip discomfort fade and despite all the pregnancy hormones – she’s been doing quite well at regulating her emotions. Overall, Chrissy is having more energy and less stress which is AMAZING especially when pregnancy changes your body in so many ways!

Even her husband is noticing a difference! He said, “I can tell a difference in her movements when she’s properly adjusted and her body holds the adjustment well.” We are so incredibly happy for you Chrissy!

Maddy’s Story

Maddy photoCheck out this incredible mama’s story about how she went from crippling anxiety to being able to handle life’s challenges better! Maddy came to Thrive Chiropractic for her son’s chronic ear infections, but (as often is the case) after seeing his amazing results she decided it was time for her to get scanned and get care too!

“I’ve always been an anxious person, but after having my first child the feelings of worry, doubt, & loss of control were even more intense.

When he was 15 months old we found ourselves at Thrive Chiropractic, not for the crippling anxiety I was experiencing, but for the back to back ear infections my son couldn’t kick. I had no doubt I could benefit from regular adjustments and wellness care at Thrive Chiropractic but of course my main priority was starting my son in a care program.

After seeing amazing results within weeks of regular chiropractic visits for my son, I decided to get scanned too!

Read more about Maddy »

Since starting care I’ve had way less feelings of overall anxiety! I am also sleeping so much better, I didn’t even realize how bad that was until I had a few good sleeps in a row.

I could not be happier with my experience with Thrive Chiropractic. Not to mention the awesome atmosphere and welcoming staff. I don’t know why I waited so long to get started too!”

We are so incredibly happy for you Maddy and beyond thrilled to continue watching your family thrive!




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